Here we will compare the two Shopify product reviews apps and Rapid Reviews. We will evaluate each app according to the following: page speed and rendering performance, ease of use, features, and price.
Rapid Reviews outperforms in several important product categories, including page load speed and rendering speed, ease of use, and feature set. Rapid Reviews provides its core features like deep search, questions and answers, photos and videos, and email/SMS reviews requests. is very competitive on feature set and price, however the app can be very confusing to use. is not the best choice for your Shopify theme's page speed performance.
Rapid Reviews dramatically outperforms on page load speed, rendering, and performance. With just a single request of 12K and 0.4 seconds to rendering, the total data loaded to the page is far less with Rapid Reviews, making it faster, more consistent, helpful to Google Page Speed Insights scores, conversion, customer engagement, and more. lacks the important feature of Deep Search. is very competitive on pricing, however it's features are not as robust or performant as Rapid Reviews.
Rapid Reviews outperforms in all feature areas except for integrations. Rapid Reviews features are more polished, with better user experience, and easier to use. is known for its confusing admin interface and clunky customer widgets.